Volume Two evolved their sound without losing any of what made them special in Volume One. Each song remains deceptively simple, yet catchy. Now, I think you can make of this what you will. Some critics would argue that the album is a miss due to She & Him’s inability to dramatically evolve or take musical risks, such as branching out into a different genre. However, I think that the clear boost of confidence in Deschanel’s voice after their debut albums success and the effect it has results in a huge evolution in sound. Moreover, that’s not really what She & Him seems to be about. They aren’t trying to break musical boundaries or change music, as we know it. They’re two friends who like to play music together and happen to sound really great doing it.

In early may of this year, Volume Three was released. It was actually released the day of my Statistics exam, rendering it the perfect reward after nearly a month of revision being finished! For me, with most of the “catchy” Top 40 songs today, after a few listens I can’t bear to hear the chorus again. This album features a huge selection of catchy songs that still haven’t reached that point of unbearability (if that makes any sense!). “Never Wanted Your Love” is the obvious single here. This, and “I’ve Got Your Number Son” demonstrate Deschanel’s songwriting at its finest. I’ve said this before, but I really love when bands combine deadpan depressing or heart-broken lyrics with deceivingly upbeat melodies. With Volume Two’s release in 2010, this is the first original album that Deschanel has released since her divorce in 2011. If you keep that in mind while listening to the album, you’ll definitely make the connection.
Having lived in London for nearly 6 years now, any song about the city hits a cord with me. “London” features purely Zooey and a piano. If all the ballads on the album had been more like this, this album would have been a 10 out of 10 for me. Listen to “Snow Queen” before listening to “London” and you’ll see how vast the difference is!
Something that I’ve always really liked about She & Him is the anonymity of their moniker. Prior to their formation, both Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward were already established public figures. Therefore, they could have easily garnered a lot of public attention immediately had they called themselves some play on their names. Rather, they chose to use literally the most generic name possible. This should give you a good idea of the type of music you’re in for - if you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past 4 years and still haven’t heard She & Him!
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